Steve and Amy's European Vacation

Touring Europe on Your Dime

Home Building – Steel Work

2006 (27 Photos)

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Steve's barn Steve's barn
Amy's house Amy's house
barn frame barn frame
we have electric we have electric
red iron red iron
framing framing
barn frame barn frame
we also have beavers we also have beavers
good thing we are building with steel good thing we are building with steel
barn barn
welcome to Amy's house welcome to Amy's house
nice red trim nice red trim
coming together coming together
house is framed house is framed
barn is complete barn is complete
with carport with carport
inside view inside view
coming up the road coming up the road
loading up the barn loading up the barn
storing our stuff storing our stuff
the house walls the house walls
Knock Knock Knock Knock
looking out my window looking out my window
looking from the inside looking from the inside
looking good looking good
goodbye barn goodbye barn
coming together coming together